Yes, I was able to find CGI.pm.  Do you know how I can fix my "problem" and
get mod_perl installed and configured.
I want to see the output of:

find /usr/lib/perl5 -name "CGI.pm"

Does it match one of the paths in @INC, as reported by the error message?


On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 16:13:19 +0800 Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am having some trouble installing mod_perl
on my redhat linux 8.0 box. I
successfully installed apache 2.0.43 from
source and placed it in the
/usr/local/apache2 directory.  In addition, I
downloaded the latest version of

mod_perl from cvs. I successfully used the
following command to generate the

makefile: perl Makefile.PL
Even though the make process was successful
the make test process was not.  As

clear as I can tell from the error message
that I listed below, mod_perl is

looking for apache components in

.conf which is clearly

wrong since my httpd.conf file is in

Actually, this is the correct httpd.conf which
is autogenerated for the tests only

Here is the error message:

waiting for server to start: ...[Tue Dec 17
17:37:17 2002] [info] 19 Apache::

modules loaded
[Tue Dec 17 17:37:17 2002] [info] 5 APR::
modules loaded

[Tue Dec 17 17:37:17 2002] [info] base server
+ 6 vhosts ready to run tests

..[Tue Dec 17 17:37:19 2002] [info] 19
Apache:: modules loaded

[Tue Dec 17 17:37:20 2002] [info] 5 APR::
modules loaded

.[Tue Dec 17 17:37:20 2002] [info] base
server + 6 vhosts ready to run tests

Syntax error on line 693 of


Can't locate CGI.pm in @INC (@INC contains:


















/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at (eval 22) line


server has died with status 255
(t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start the

server in the debug mode)
make: *** [run_tests] Error 143
You mean, you have 5.8.0 but no CGI.pm? It
should be there, because it's the part of the core.

can you please do:

find /usr/lib/perl5 -name "CGI.pm"

Do you get it?

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just
Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --->
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org http://ticketmaster.com


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/     mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

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