Hi there,

On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, eric lin wrote:

> The image "file:///home/enduser/mytest.jpg" cannot be displayed, because 
> it contains errors

I think I understand your question but I am not sure of it.

It seems that you have sent a request to Apache, received a response,
and saved the response to a file in the hope that it was an image.
When you used Netscape to try to view the image it failed to appear.

It seems unlikely that anything there did what you thought, you will
need to find out what is happening by thinking about it and testing.

One way to test what you get from Apache is to use 'telnet' to make
the requests.  It's documented in the mod_perl Guide which is at


Normally when you want to send an image file to the client you don't
use mod_perl to do it.  Either mod_perl never gets involved (because
of the Apache configuration in httpd.conf) or you tell mod_perl to let
Apache send the file for you (the mod_perl handler can return DECLINED
to Apache when it sees the request).

> I am using apache 1.3.26 and perl 5.8

We need more information than this.  Please read the documentation
about getting help which you will find in the mod_perl source tree in
a file called SUPPORT and also in the mod_perl Guide.

There is a lot of reading to do.  Unfortunately it is almost all in
English and unfortunately your English is not good, so you will need
to work hard at it.  Try to make your questions clearer.  If you have
a friend who speaks better English, let him see the questions first.

If I have not understood your question please try again. :)


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