On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, sireesha vudatha wrote:

> Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 16:25:04 -0800 (PST)
> From: sireesha vudatha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Question from a newbie regarding apache and mod_perl
> Hi all,
> I am a beginner and am doing a course project for which I want to
> know if mod_perl is suitable for my problem at hand.
> My problem is: When a user types in a question, then my perl
> program(or whatever) has to go to the database and return the answer
> back to the user.  If its not able to find the question in the
> database, then it has to transfer the connection to a person who
> will answer the question and the database has now got to be updated
> with this new question and answer.
> (I had written a simple program using the DBI and DBD::Mysql for
> just retrieving the answer from the database....)
> I don't know if the rest of my problem can be solved using mod_perl...
> Can anyone give me some ideas or suggestions that would help me out...
> Thanking u all in anticipation..
> Sireesha


Nothing you descibe seems to require mod_perl.  I think perhaps you
are unclear on just what mod_perl is meant to do.  A great many people
just use mod_perl to speed up execution of their Perl scripts.  More
advanced users want to manipulate different parts of the Apache
request cycle using Perl.  It sounds like your task will be most
easily accomplished by sticking with a standard CGI script.  If you
find the performance is not what you desire, then consider running it
under Apache::Registry.


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