Esteban Fernandez Stafford wrote:
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

Esteban Fernandez Stafford wrote:

Hello all,

is there a way to unregister a streamed filter? I have seen this in
many (all?) apache (C programmed) filters; they are able of declining
the filtering of a certain stream, for example, when they do not know
how to handle a certain content type. In the apache api this is done
with ap_remove_output_filter(f). Is there something similar in mp2?
Not at this moment, but hopefully it'll be supported soon.

Since you need this feature, telling us in what situation you'd like to
remove a filter will help us to build a better test case and provide a
good real-world example for documentation.

The easiest example that comes to mind is a filter for text/html that
performs some sort of transformation. This filter should unregister for
any content type that is not text/html. Browsing through some apache
code I have found two ways of doing this. One involves the
ap_remove_output_filter function (modules/filters/mod_deflate.c) and
the other returns a DECLINED at a cetrtain point
(modules/filters/mod_include.c). I am not sure about the internals of
each approach but I thought it might help.
Yup, I was reading mod_deflate just yesterday and saw it too. Thanks!

It occurs to me just now that it maybe also be possible to do this
staticaly in httpd.conf. Something like:

PerlOutputFilterHandler  MyApache::MyHtmlFilter text/html
Good idea, eventually there should be TIMTOWTDI ;)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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