  Just a quicky.

I have two .htaccess files:


The top level one uses a very slightly modified version of 
Apache::AuthLDAP and the Admin .htaccess just uses htpasswd basic 

The problem is that when I try to log in to the Admin area it wont let me 
and I get this in the error_log:

...access to /Admin/failed for, reason: user williams:  
username not found - Success

If I remove the top level .htaccess it works.

My guess is that there is some perl stuff left lying around but how do I 
clean it up in the Admin/.htaccess?

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help,


Owen Williams                  Senior Computing Officer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Software Engineer
Work    0116 2506349               Web Consultant
Home    0116 2259109           RedHat Certified Engineer
Mobile  0771 5790631

DMU Libraries                 http://www.blue.dmu.ac.uk/

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