This is a fresh version of Apache::Dynagzip companion for fixup stage of
Apache. It is recommended for all users of Apache::Dynagzip. Of-course, it
could accomplish any other compression handler on mod_perl enabled
Apache-1.3.X as well. It is not bundled with Apache::Dynagzip in fact.

This handler is significantly different to the version 0.01 which we
discussed about half a year ago. The most of the "buggy" clients mentioned
those days finally walked away after my deeper research. There are no
article "Features of Content Compression for Different Web Clients" anymore.
Just there are nothing to write about... To the best of my knowledge, we
have only one definitely buggy client on market these days: Netscape-4.X (is
still alive):

# From: Michael.Schroepl@somewhere
# Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 20:05:06 +0200
# (snipped)
# ... Our customers still include 17% Netscape 4 users, sigh ...

There are still some uncertainties about M$IE in my understanding, but since
Microsoft fixed the compression bug in M$IE-6.0 SP-1 I have no fresh
complains about it. So far, I made the relations with M$IE better
configurable from httpd.conf only if you prefer to provide uncompressed
content over SSL. However, it is not necessary (for Apache::Dynagzip 0.09 at
least) since Vlad Jebelev reported successful delivery of the compressed
content to M$IE over SSL providing dynamic downgrade from HTTP/1.1 to

See POD for details.

The uploaded file Apache-CompressClientFixup-0.05.tar.gz has entered CPAN as
file: $CPAN/authors/id/S/SL/SLAVA/Apache-CompressClientFixup-0.05.tar.gz
size: 5107 bytes
md5: cb93f7b4364b16bf026a044494df0d70


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