The announcement of Apache 2.0.44 includes this:

 The 2.0.44 release marks a change in the Apache release process and a new
 level of stability in the 2.0 series.  Beginning with this release, we
 will make every effort to retain forward compatibility in the
 configuration and module API, so that upgrading along the 2.0 series
 should be much easier.  This compatibility extends backwards to 2.0.42, so
 users of that version or later should be able to upgrade without changing
 configurations or updating DSO modules.  (Users of earlier releases will
 need to recompile all modules in order to upgrade to 2.0.44.)

Does this mean that mod_perl 2.0 can finally be finished?  I recall
this being dougm's main objection to finishing it all up...

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