So I converted Util::Tour::Translate's handler into a regular non object
handler and everythings works fine. I would rather use object handlers but
this doesn't seem possible if a content handler is performing an
internal_redirect which might invoke that handler.
this has been reported before - it's in the archives someplace I'm sure - I just haven't had the time to investigate it. I suspect that it needs a patch similar to one I have lying around but that doug wasn't too interested in putting into core due to some potential side effects. when I get a moment, I'll try and follow up on it.

Can somone shed some light on this for me please.


p.s. I didnt yet try converting Util::Tour::Banner into an object handler.
Is it neccessary for all handlers in a chain to be either object or regular
but not a mix?.
it shouldn't be, no.

some things to try are changing your config to

PerlModule Util::Tour::Translate
PerlTransHandler Util::Tour::Translate

that might work out a bit better (though I suspect you'll then get $r only in your handler instead of $self and $r).

you might also want to try

sub handler : method {

instead of sub handler ($$) {

and see if that changes anything (though I doubt it).



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