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Randy J. Ray wrote:
I guess Philippe can comment on the <Perl > sections part, I think it should be in RSN. What about method handlers? What's wrong with them?

Only that my handlers, both prototyped as ($$), received only the request object (Apache::RequestRec reference) in their arg list, rather than getting the class as the first argument. Of course, the intent behind having the server classes be method-handlers is to assign the the server object as the handler directly, but that requires the <Perl> section support.

Which makes me think-- I always found it odd in mp1 that assigning an object as a location-handler required a "frozen reference" of sorts-- '$obj' vs. simple $obj. The latter seems so much more intuitive. Is this changing for mp2?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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