Nathan Byrd wrote:
Matt, Apache::Test may not work when run under root, because Apache won't let you start the server as 'User root' so it tries to use 'nobody' or something else as the username the server runs under, which of course has no perms to access files created by root and hence the problem.

I suppose the solution is to chown all the autogenerated files to that chosen user and then the issue will be resolved. Meanwhile please try to run the test suite as non-root.
I've run into the same problem while testing with Apache::PAR. Unfortunately, I don't think chown'ing the files will work (at least in
my case), because the directory itself (/root/.cpanplus on my box) isn't
accessible from a non-root user. I haven't worked on a solution yet,
but I was thinking the best thing to do might be to create a temp
directory (maybe with a prompt for the directory to create it under)
from the generated Makefile in the start_httpd section and copy any
content (and then remove it in kill_httpd)

Maybe this would be a good feature to add to the Apache::test and
Apache::Test modules?
I've already committed a solution for Apache::Test that should work on all Unices, pending a test on win32. Here is the commit that includes the change and the logic:

At least on Unix mod_perl-2.0 now has no problems running 'make test' as root.

As for Apache::test, I'm not familiar with it, so perhaps someone who is, can backport that above patch to it.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

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