
Stas beat me to it (serves me for typing too long of a reply. :-) - the
URL he posted has a better explanation than below, but here is a
(probably more long winded) description.

The problem with the original script is that the entry that ends up in
%INC is the same whether called from script1 or script2, and since
calling "use" first checks the %INC, it won't re-load the module (so you
get whichever happens to already be loaded for that Apache process.) 

Another option to what Stas mentioned you could consider is to try
removing the use lib lines (or shorten them by one directory if they are
actually longer than that) from and, then call the
perl modules like:
use lib1::Site;

use lib2::Site;

You will also have to change the files to be:
package lib1::Site;


package lib2::Site;

In general, you might want to try to move away from this approach
anyway, however.  I'm guessing the files are really
configuration files (I had the same problem when I first started working
with mod_perl) - if so you may want to think about replacing them.  For
other options on handling configuration, look at either one of the
configuration modules on CPAN (try, or
storing the values inside a configuration file called from Apache
startup (this will give you very good flexibility, and since Apache
usually starts as root, can increase security too by allowing you to use
more restrictive file permissions on your conf files) - information
about this is also available from

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 20:11, Pinunki wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am currently running a web server using Perl CGI for
> all my web sites and have been attracted to mod_perl
> for the performance advantages - particularly not
> having to start a new perl interpreter for each
> request. I have tried using Apache::Register and
> Apache::PerlRun but am having problems due to the fact
> that each web site refers to their own copy of my
> module called (to contain functions, global
> variables etc). The problem is that the my scripts get
> confused and use variables from the other site's
> modules randomly.
> The following example is using Apache::PerlRun (as
> it's supposed to be more forgiving that
> Apache::Register). I am using Apache 1.3.26 and
> mod_perl 1.26 on Debian Woody.
> .htaccess
> ---------
> PerlModule  Apache::PerlRun
> <files *.pl>
>   SetHandler  perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
>   Options +ExecCGI
> </files>
> --------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use CGI;
> use lib "lib1";
> use Site;
> my $q = new CGI;
> print $q->header();
> print <<EOF;
>   Site 1<br>
>   VAR: $VAR<br>
> lib1/
> ------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> package Site;
> require Exporter;
> use strict;
> our $VAR = "Site one";
> our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
> our @EXPORT = qw($VAR);
> 1;
> --------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use CGI;
> use lib "lib2";
> use Site;
> my $q = new CGI;
> print $q->header();
> print <<EOF;
>   Site 2<br>
>   VAR: $VAR<br>
> lib2/
> ------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> package Site;
> require Exporter;
> use strict;
> our $VAR = "Site two";
> our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
> our @EXPORT = qw($VAR);
> 1;
> I then call and multiple times and
> get output like this:
> Site 1
> VAR: Site two
> Site 1
> VAR: Site one
> Site 1
> VAR: Site two
> Site 2
> VAR: Site two
> Site 2
> VAR: Site two
> Site 2
> VAR: Site one
> I can fix this problem by adding the line "PerlSetVar
> PerlRunOnce On" to my .htaccess file, but my
> performance tests show that this is actually slower
> than regular CGI!!
> Is there anything I can do to make this work properly
> without renaming all my modules (and all
> scripts that call them) to have unique names?
> Thanks,
> Pinunki
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