Yuriy Syrota wrote:

I want my modperl2 module to process RAW_ARGS configuration directives
like this.

    <AxMediaType screen>
        <AxStyleName #default>
            AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/webpage_screen.xsl
        <AxStyleName printable>
            AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/webpage_printable.xsl

There is no example in the documentation how to implement it, could
give me such example?
Indeed, there is none, but there is at least one in the mod_perl source, written in C, see:


and probably a few more in the httpd source.

Since you are working on implementing it, if you can contribute such an example to the documentation, that would be grand! Thank you.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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