
I have a mod_perl + Template-Toolkit driven web-site with some 20+ perl
modules. Apache is 1.3.26, mod_perl is 1.26 and TT is 2.08.

Problem is, sometimes happens that I get absolutely no response from
server, browser just says that 'Document contains no data' and even
server accesslog doesn't show anything. All requests go to some kind of
black hole. I can get rid of it, by not using one module. And
interesting thing is that when I start to use it again, server responds

I've checked this module as much as I could, but to me it seems like every
other normal module. I have no idea what could cause this. I used
diagnostics and warnings and got rid of all warnings.

If I used diagnostics first and it showed some warnings, then I saw that
server tried to show (compile, however you should say that) this page for
serveral times (maybe browser tried to fetch it many times...). And all I
saw was just errors from diagnostics, all loggings messages I have in code
were ignores.

Has anyone seen something like this before and can direct me on this
debugging task? What should I try next? There are no syntactical errors,
only logical, seems to me.

Thanks in advance,

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