OS: Windows2000
Apache: 1.3.27
ModPerl: 1.27_01-dev

I have a script that ran perfectly well when not run under ModPerl but have recently tried to run it under modperl using the RunPerl module. It still seems to run OK, however my error log now seems to being filled with the following error messages ...

Prototype mismatch: sub Apache::ROOT::MSS_2dcgi::documents_2ecgi::encode_base64 vs ($;$) at c:/NMS/Perl/lib/Exporter.pm line 57.
Prototype mismatch: sub Apache::ROOT::MSS_2dcgi::documents_2ecgi::decode_base64 vs ($) at c:/NMS/Perl/lib/Exporter.pm line 57.

The errors are connected with the MIME::Base64 module when it defines the external subroutine names. The relevant section of my conf file is ...

Alias /MSS-cgi/        "C:/NMS/MSSWeb/cgi-bin/"
Alias /MSS-js/         "C:/NMS/MSSWeb/includes/"
Alias /MSS-images/     "C:/NMS/MSSWeb/images/"

<Location "/MSS-cgi">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
Options +ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On

I've searched all potential areas on the net with no success. Can anyone here assist ?

John Everitt

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