Hi all,

I my httpd.conf I have:

    <Location />
        AddType text/html .html
        PerlAccessHandler   WM::Auth::Access

And in my handler I have:

package WM::Auth::Access;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    my $s = $r->server;

    $s->warn( "[$$] beginning at " . gettimeofday . " with [" . $r->uri . "]" );

    if (! $r->is_initial_req) {
        $s->warn( "[$$] \$r->is_initial_req false; declining at " . gettimeofday );
        return Apache::DECLINED;
    } elsif ($r->lookup_uri($r->uri)->content_type =~ /image/) {
        $s->warn( "[$$] image requested; declining at " . gettimeofday );
        return Apache::DECLINED;
[ ... ]

When I request /img/logo.gif, I get:

[warn] [1168] beginning at 1045540634.07781 with [/img/logo.gif]
[warn] [1168] beginning at 1045540634.07883 with [/img/logo.gif]
[warn] [1168] $r->is_initial_req false; declining at 1045540634.07908
[warn] [1168] image requested; declining at 1045540634.07941

So, my quesstions are:

1) Why two times through the handler?
2) Why does the second time through start before the first one apparently
gets to the conditional?
3) Why is a simple request like that not the is_initial_req
4) If the first time through it reurns DECLINED because it's "not an
initial req", how come it goes through again?
5) What the heck is going on here?


- nick

Nick Tonkin   {|8^)>

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