make is in my path as seen here:
So, the make routine is in the /usr/ccs/bin directory.
The error messages before and after the 'sh: make: not found'  message are at line 581 (prompt("Shall I build httpd in ../apache_1.3.27/src for you?") and 648 (call to conf_fixup).   There is a call to 'make clean' that I was able
to run from the command line without error. 
Does this error message 'sh: make: not found' refer to 'sh' not found or 'make' not found?   

>>> "Martin Scantland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/20/03 07:56AM >>>
It just seems like you need to add make in your path (sh: make: not found). 

Martin Scantland
IP Services, Internet Engineering,
Nortel Networks
Phone:   613.765.4052, ESN 395.4052

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:14 AM
Subject: Help installing mod_perl 1.27 and apache 1.3.27. newbie question.

I get errors on installing mod_perl/Apache 1.3.27, under the root account when running perl Makefile.PL.
I'm running perl 5.8 on solaris. gcc 2.95.
# perl Makefile.PL
Configure mod_perl with ../apache_1.3.27/src ? [y]
Shall I build httpd in ../apache_1.3.27/src for you? [y]
sh: make: not found
Appending mod_perl to src/Configuration
Using config file: /www/Apache/src/mod_perl-1.27/src/Configuration
Creating Makefile
 + configured for Solaris 280 platform
 + setting C compiler to gcc
 + setting C pre-processor to gcc -E
 + checking for system header files
 + adding selected modules
    o perl_module uses ConfigStart/End
      + mod_perl build type: OBJ
      + setting up mod_perl build environment
      + id: mod_perl/1.27
      + id: Perl/v5.8.0 (solaris) [perl]
      + adjusting Apache build environment
      + enabling Perl support for SSI (mod_include)
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
 + using builtin Expat
./Configure: make: not found
 + checking sizeof various data types
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
 + doing sanity check on compiler and options
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
** A test compilation with your Makefile configuration
** failed.  The below error output from the compilation
** test will give you an idea what is failing. Note that
** Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such as gcc.
======== Error Output for sanity check ========
./helpers/TestCompile: make: not found
============= End of Error Report =============
PerlDispatchHandler.........disabled (enable with PERL_DISPATCH=1)
PerlPostReadRequestHandler..disabled (enable with PERL_POST_READ_REQUEST=1)
PerlTransHandler............disabled (enable with PERL_TRANS=1)
PerlHeaderParserHandler.....disabled (enable with PERL_HEADER_PARSER=1)
PerlAccessHandler...........disabled (enable with PERL_ACCESS=1)
PerlAuthenHandler...........disabled (enable with PERL_AUTHEN=1)
PerlAuthzHandler............disabled (enable with PERL_AUTHZ=1)
PerlTypeHandler.............disabled (enable with PERL_TYPE=1)
PerlFixupHandler............disabled (enable with PERL_FIXUP=1)
PerlLogHandler..............disabled (enable with PERL_LOG=1)
PerlInitHandler.............disabled (enable with PERL_INIT=1)
PerlCleanupHandler..........disabled (enable with PERL_CLEANUP=1)
PerlRestartHandler..........disabled (enable with PERL_RESTART=1)
PerlStackedHandlers.........disabled (enable with PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS=1)
PerlMethodHandlers..........disabled (enable with PERL_METHOD_HANDLERS=1)
PerlDirectiveHandlers.......disabled (enable with PERL_DIRECTIVE_HANDLERS=1)
PerlTableApi................disabled (enable with PERL_TABLE_API=1)
PerlLogApi..................disabled (enable with PERL_LOG_API=1)
PerlUriApi..................disabled (enable with PERL_URI_API=1)
PerlUtilApi.................disabled (enable with PERL_UTIL_API=1)
PerlFileApi.................disabled (enable with PERL_FILE_API=1)
PerlSections................disabled (enable with PERL_SECTIONS=1)
PerlSSI.....................disabled (enable with PERL_SSI=1)
Will run tests as User: 'nobody' Group: 'other'
Checking VERSION..........ok
Checking for LWP::UserAgent......ok
Checking for HTML::HeadParser....ok
Writing Makefile for Apache
Writing Makefile for Apache::Connection
Writing Makefile for Apache::Constants
Writing Makefile for Apache::File
Writing Makefile for Apache::Leak
Writing Makefile for Apache::Log
Writing Makefile for Apache::ModuleConfig
Writing Makefile for Apache::PerlRunXS
Writing Makefile for Apache::Server
Writing Makefile for Apache::Symbol
Writing Makefile for Apache::Table
Writing Makefile for Apache::URI
Writing Makefile for Apache::Util
Writing Makefile for mod_perl

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