Here is my 'perl -V'.

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
    osname=solaris, osvers=2.9, archname=sun4-solaris-64int
    uname='sunos localhost 5.9 sun4u sparc sunw,ultra-1'
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef
    useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
    use64bitint=define use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
    optimize='-xO3 -xdepend',
    ccversion='Sun WorkShop', gccversion='', gccosandvers=''
    intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=87654321
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
    ivtype='long long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
    alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =''
    libpth=/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
    libs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
    perllibs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
    libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=true,
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-R
    cccdlflags='-KPIC', lddlflags='-G'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options: USE_64_BIT_INT USE_LARGE_FILES
  Locally applied patches:
     9676 Port the OpenBSD glob() security patch
     9678 Addendum to #9676: some missing changes from OpenBSD glob.c
     9679 Up $File::Glob::VERSION, add OpenBSD glob version note
     9693 $VERSION and Version() on same line provokes warning
     9706 #7210 broke .packlist generation
     9707 ExtUtils::Installed doesn't quote regex metacharacters in paths
     9775 Typo in utf8.h
     9950 Revert integration of #8254,#8255 in #8620 (causes coredump)
    10021 Insecure regexes
    10091 $ref1 == $ref2 behaves unpredictably if not NV_PRESERVES_UV
    10093 Incorrect line numbers in AutoSplit
    10100 [20010514.027] PL_last_in_gv may not be GV if stale filehandle
    10145 [20010515.004] Segfaults from premature GC
    10203 Don't think about UTF8
    10250 [20010422.005] perl -e '{s//${}/; //}' segfaults
    10394 Leakage of file scope lexicals into predeclared subroutines
    10404 eval.t was relying on pre-#10394 buggy behavior
    10412 Rationalize locale handling to fix bugs uncovered by #10394
    10422 Potential buffer overrun if the radix separator > 1 byte
    10448 Lexicals outside eval weren't resolved correctly pre-#10394
    10450 Optimize #10448 slightly
    10543 Add LC_MESSAGES constant to POSIX module
    10667 #10449 broke visibility of lexicals inside DB::DB()
    10739 C<eval "/x$\r\n/x"> fails to compile correctly
    10939 Proposed fix for Pod::Man
    11169 Doc patch for Tie::Hash
    11374 Make h2ph grok ccsymbols fo the form 1234L, 1234ULL etc
    11427 t/harness wasn't picking up all the tests
    11428 run/runenv.t needs fflushNULL sanity
    11431 pod/*.t tests not picked up by t/TEST either
    11510 eval 'format foo=' would loop indefinitely
    11713 UTF8 wasn't printing for PVMGs
    11716 UTF8 flag should be meaningful only when POK
    11808 [20010831.002] Bug in Term::Cap on Solaris ansi terminal
    11847 Typo in perl_clone() code causes local(*foo) breakage
    12005 [20010912.007] substr reference core dump
    12024 Fix local() precedence bug in #8311
    12303 Fix 'local $!=0;undef*STDOUT;' segfault
    12304 Pod::Html makes a poor guess at author
    12350 Typo in IO::Seekable doc
    12496 Carp::shortmess_heavy() doesn't notice trailing newline
    12549 readline() doesn't work with 'our' variables
    12550 #12549 wasn't aware of strictures
    12752 croak(Nullch) wasn't printing the contents of ERRSV
    12811 [20011101.069] \stat('.') gives 'free unref scalar' error
    12812 Slight modification of #12811
    13149 Integrate #13147 from mainline (fixes nit in #10091)
    13261 Integrate #8340,#13260 from mainline
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Apr  6 2002 14:45:34

Any thoughts will be appreciated.-

Kind Regards.

Pablo Jejcic
Smartweb Senior system Administrator
School of Computing - Robert Gordon University

``The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
And if you really don't like all the standards you just have to wait another
year until the one arises you are looking for.'' 
A. Tanenbaum, ``Introduction to Computer Networks'


-----Original Message-----
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 20 February 2003 23:09
To: Pablo Jejcic
Subject: Re: HELP - Problem installing modperl

Pablo Jejcic wrote:
>  I rebuild PERL and when I use perl -V I can see -KPIC but when I try
>  to "make" mod_perl I receive the same error
>  Any other thoughts???

How is it possible that the same compiler accepts an option for building one

program, but not the other? Can you please post your 'perl -V'?

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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