
I'm trying to work through recipe 9.16 in the cookbook - using Apache::DB - although 
I'm not trying to use Apache::DB yet - just trying to see how my stuff works when I 
start apache with "httpd -X -f path-to-configfile".  This is on an ibook (OSX 10.1.5, 
apache 1.3.26, mod_perl 1.26 - the apple versions)

When I try to run one of my cgi scripts - that works fine under mod_perl without '-X' 
- I get the following in the error_log:

   POSIX.pm: Can't locate auto/DynaLoader/dl_install_.al in @INC (@INC 
   contains: /Users/warren/include /System/Library/Perl/darwin 
   /System/Library/Perl /Library/Perl/darwin /Library/Perl 
   /Network/Library/Perl/darwin /Network/Library/Perl /usr/ 
   /usr/lib/perl) at /System/Library/Perl/darwin/XSLoader.pm line 90

What am I missing?  where/what is auto/DynaLoader/dl_install_.al?



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