Hi List,

In theory Authentication / Authorization handlers are very cool, because
the application underneath it doesn't need to know the logic of it, and
as long as you design web applications with nice, RESTful, sensible URIs
it would all work beautifully.

BUT, I cannot figure out how to 'ask' apache wether a request would
succeed or not. I'm wondering wether there would be a way to do:

  my $ok = $r->would_be_authorized ($uri);

  # or
  my $ok = $r->would_be_authorized ($uri, 'GET');

  # or
  my $ok = $r->would_be_authorized ($uri, 'POST', $fh);

This would be handy because for example in your web application you
might want certain controls or links to be replaced by proper messages
rather than directing the user to a location that he/she doesn't have
access to. 

If I missed something obvious please point out a URI so that I can RTFM!
All ideas appreciated!

Building a better web - http://www.mkdoc.com/
Jean-Michel Hiver
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - +44 (0)114 255 8097
Homepage: http://www.webmatrix.net/

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