> It's pretty hard to truly separate these things.  Nobody wants to use
> basic auth, which means there is a need for forms and handlers.

How do you mean, 'nobody'? Users certainly don't mind!

> Then you have to keep that information in either cookies or URLs, and
> there is usually a need to talk to an external data database with a
> site-specific schema.

I admit that it's hard to get away without cookies and URI encoding
schemes, but not impossible. There's a lot of tricks that you can do
with path_info...

For example, http://www.example.com/some/address/hello.txt,do_something

This URL is easy to protect / authorize using LocationMatch directives.

Basically I think you can use these simple schemes in complex
applications if you're careful about your URIs. But it's true that it
can be a real mindf*ck :)

Basically each state of your application needs a different URI...

However I find it well worth it, the promess of a truly modular,
standard, pluggable authorization system is seducing, and also very
'marketable' I think.

Building a better web - http://www.mkdoc.com/
Jean-Michel Hiver
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - +44 (0)114 255 8097
Homepage: http://www.webmatrix.net/

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