Mark James wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

Mark James wrote:

Some of my scripts break when running under mp2 (cvs) because the UID
is set as root rather than the Apache user (which for me is "web").
The problem manifests with RCS file locking. Is there some switch
to set so that I can run scripts as "web"?

Eh? Are you talking about 'make test' or installed mod_perl? If the former, use the latest cvs where this should work if the latter, modify httpd.conf.

The latter. Turned out to be a caused by the perl ENV not being
propogated to forked programs:

Well, actually this is not the case. It behaves exactly the same as in modperl 1.0. You can use Env::C module (available from CPAN) to easily debug this:

The following snippet prints the same under mp1 and mp2 (assuming that they are started under the same username)
print map { "Perl: $ENV{$_} C: " . Env::C::getenv($_) . "\n"} qw(USER);
print "$< ", scalar getpwuid($<), "\n";

Fixed by adding:

$ENV{'USER'} = 'web';
$ENV{'LOGNAME'} = 'web';

to the start-up script.

Indeed. The point is that ENV is not passed from shell, you have to explicitly do that and this is an Apache thing. So you can do:

SetEnv USER web

or as you did, in perl.

In any case you probably want to rely on getpwuid($<), rather than $ENV{USER} if applicable.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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