Scott Alexander wrote:

I'm using Apache-AuthCookie-3.04 for authentication
I have a protected directory with 10 sub directories, one directory needs
to be open to any user.

I could write 10 <Directory /usr/local/systems/work/directory_1> or use a
<PERL> section in the conf file to create the 10 directory directives.

Can I override the settings for one directory somehow? So any user with no
login or password will get in. Actually I don't even want the login prompt
to appear.

we talk about this in the cookbook - recipe 13.5.

basically, you need to disable authentication for the directories in question. see

for the example from the book, which disables auth phases for allowed IPs.

also keep in mind the Satisfy Any directive, which is what you probably should use if you're thinking about IP based stuff :)



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