Beau E. Cox wrote:
Yea, Stas, I clearly see your reasoning. However, this is not a change
of behaviour between mp1 and mp2, but rather between mp2-08 and the
current cvs (09).

since 09 > 08, it *is* a change in behaviour between mp1 and mp2 ;) though potentially not the final one.

I will continue using mp2-08 and talk to the mason

meanwhile you can continue using the lates cvs, but add to the beginning of your startup to cheat on the latest change:

require Apache::RequestUtil;
no warnings 'redefine';
my $sub = *Apache::request{CODE};
*Apache::request = sub {
    my $r;
    eval { $r = $sub->('Apache'); };
    # warn $@ if $@;
    return $r;

list - but it seems that folks over there are not too anxious to
do much in the line of mp2 development until the 'request' is converted.

You mean Apache::Request?

My only concern is that mp2 and mason will eventually work well
together - I feel a little like I am caught in the middle ;)

if you don't mind to get frustrated here and there, that's the best position to learn things ;)

Please don't spend any more time on this until I get a mason answer.


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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