I'm having CGI redirect problems mp2 (cvs).

Instead of being redirected to the proper web page, I'm sometimes
getting a "302 Moved" page containing a link to the correct URL.

Seems to be related to the following code in modperl_cgi.c:

if (location && (location[0] == '/') && (r->status == 200)) {
        r->method = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "GET");
        r->method_number = M_GET;

The Location field I'm redirecting to is a fully-qualified URL, starting with http://, but still at the local server. A debug put in above this code confirms that "location" is set to a string starting with "http".

Why is the test for "location[0] == '/'" there?  Which section
of code is usually responsible for stripping off the server
part of the address if it is local?


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