Oops, I overlooked the forst reading. Sorry for this.

Anyway, even after reading this, I'm not really sure, what may happen.

Is it possible, that some new interpreter is cloned later then the pool is created, and is it possible, that ANY interpreter cloning will clone my global data? (I really mean e.g object stored in my handler in global variables, perhaps just lexical ones)

Thank you very much


Perrin Harkins wrote:
Pavel Hlavnicka wrote:

Is there some relation between Perl threads and Apache threads? What I mean: If Apache fires a new thread, what happens in mod_perl? Are perl structures copied from the parent thread interpreter to the new one?
... or is the new perl environment clean?

Have you read this?


I believe this addresses your questions. For the details of how Perl threads work, read this:


- Perrin

-- Pavel Hlavnicka Ginger Alliance www.gingerall.com

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