has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GE/GEOFF/Apache-Clean-2.02b.tar.gz
  size: 6334 bytes
   md5: 55402e3e753599e56a74204b3e8649c6

this is a preliminary port of Apache::Clean over to mod_perl 2.0. in particular it uses the (current) implementation of Apache 2.0 output filters via the mod_perl 2.0 streaming filter API. so, if you're looking for an example of mod_perl 2.0 code without Apache::compat, or a working example of an output filter, this module has lots of good stuff in it - check out both the module code itself as well as the My::* modules in the test suite. it also uses Apache::Test to run live tests, so it's a good example of how to do that as well. This release also (hopefully) is intelligent enough to install relative to Apache or Apache2, depending on how you built mod_perl 2.0, so if you're trying to create a mod_perl 2.0 package, see the Makefile.PL.

anyway, feel free to email me with questions or installation problems (after reading the INSTALL document, of course :)


from the README:


Apache::Clean - interface into HTML::Clean for mod_perl 2.0



PerlModule Apache::Clean

 <Location /clean>
    PerlOutputFilterHandler Apache::Clean

PerlSetVar CleanLevel 3

    PerlSetVar  CleanOption shortertags
    PerlAddVar  CleanOption whitespace


Apache::Clean uses HTML::Clean to tidy up large, messy HTML, saving

Only documents with a content type of "text/html" are affected - all
others are passed through unaltered.

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