
I am still pretty new to mod_perl and have only really dabbled with a
few small applications that I created. I am now looking to build
something quite specific and was wondering if anyones know of anything
similar to what I want to do so or whether they have any pointers as to
mod_perl's suitability for what I want to do.

The scenario:

I have a large web-site that is largely database driven. Many of the
pages are accessed frequently yet are only modified on average once a
day. The site is written in a variety of technologies including PHP and

I wanted to develop a caching proxy that will return a cached page
instead of passing control to one of the PHP scripts or Perl scripts
that normally generate the pages. The web site is mainly accessed
through HTTP GET requests rather than POST requests and the resultant
page will be the same each time if given the same GET string. Can I use
mod_perl's proxy capabilities to cache the generated contents of the the
HTML page made by the PHP script?

One extra requirement is that some of the pages need authentication
which is cookie based. I would need to check the cookie against a
database to see if the caller is authenticated to access the particular
page. Has anyone done/seen anything similar implemented in mod_perl?

Thanks for your help,


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