Hey ho,

Sorry if this is an FAQ or a little OT..

We're thinking of moving a couple of servers and one of the
possibilities is a dual PIII box (Compaq AFAIK, probably pretty standard
rack box)

I'm just wondering how Linux (RedHat 7.2) deals with dual processors,
and whether any of the following will have problems:

 - Apache & mod_perl themselves (currently use v1's rather than 2's)
 - LibXML,XSLT etc running under mod_perl
 - A whole bunch of CPAN mods!

Does linux just take care of 2 proccessors or does the code have to be

Also out of pure curiosity does it actually double the capabilities of
the machine? (The jump from our current 128Mb to 1GB of RAM will - I'm
guessing - have more of an impact ;-)



Jim Morrison
Technology & Development Partner
Isotope Communications
9 Green Park Station
Bath, BA1 1JB, UK
+44 (0) 1225 444 674

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