
I use Apache::FakeRequest to test perl handlers without firing up Apache.
Testting is supposed to be done by matching output of handlers with some
regexps.  But the print method of Apache::Request prints to STDOUT, so to
get output I applied following patch to it:

< sub print { shift; CORE::print(@_) }
> sub print {
>  my $self = shift;
>  if (exists $$self{fr_output}) {
>   $$self{fr_output} .= join ('', @_);
>  } else { CORE::print(@_) }
> }

Now, if fr_output "method" is defined all output comes there.

my $request = Apache::FakeRequest->new(fr_output => '', ...);

If it's "right thing" may be this patch should go to CPAN, and if it's not
"right", I'll be glad to hear how to do it right.



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