I currently have the following configuration in my httpd.conf file:
    PerlRequire /usr/local/apache/conf/startup.pl
    Alias /perl/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
    PerlTaintCheck  On
    PerlWarn        On
    PerlFreshRestart On
    PerlTransHandler Apache::SessionManager
    PerlFreshRestart On
    <Location /perl>
    SetHandler      perl-script
    PerlSendHeader  On
    PerlHandler     Apache::Registry
    Options         ExecCGI
And here are the contents of the startup.pl script:
    use strict;
    use lib qw(/usr/local/apache/require);
    use Apache::Registry();
    use CGI();
    use CGI::Session();
    use CGI::Carp();
    use DBI();
    use Net::LDAP();
    $ENV{MOD_PERL} or die "not running under mod_perl!";
When I stop/start the server and run a script with the following code:
    foreach $item (@INC) {
        print ($item . "<br>");
I only get the output:
??  I can't seem to find any rhyme or reason why the directory "/usr/local/apache/require" isn't on the @INC array?
Any help is greatly appreciated.....according to all documentation I can find this should actually work.  I'm hoping that I'm doing something terribly stupid :).


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