Any word on this Issac?  Are you as stumped as I am? I dug into it again
today and verified that the jpeg, png and freetype2 libraries were
installed and verified that they functioned. I also did a complete
rebuild of GD and a CPAN force install on Apache::GD::Thumbnail - all
went well with no errors or warnings ( all for not though, it still
refuses to work ).

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 18:34, Steven A. Adams wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 00:12, Issac Goldstand wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> ...<snip>...
> > >From the man page:
> > "* ThumbnailBaseDir
> > Sets the directory that contains the images to be thumbnailed. Defaults to
> > ".." if not specified"
> > 
> > Since the virtual directory /home/me/pics/thumbs/../ is where the pictures
> > are (eg, /home/me/pics), I can use the default.
> > 
> ...<snip>...
> > Why don't you show me your exact configuration, and I'll see if I can help
> > you out...
> > 
> >   Issac
> > 
> ...<another snip>...
> Hey Issac,
> Ok, I've dumbed this down to the lowest common denominator ( in this
> case, I qualify as this ). In my httpd.conf I have the following lines:
> Alias /pics/ "/data/httpd/htdocs/image1/pics/"
> <Directory "/data/httpd/htdocs/image1/pics">
>       Order allow,deny
>       AllowOverride None
>       Order allow,deny
>       Allow from all
> </Directory>
> <Location /*/pics/thumbs>
>       SetHandler perl-handler
>       PerlHandler Apache::GD::Thumbnail
>       PerlSetVar ThumbnailMaxSize 75
> </Location>
> In my script source I have the following line:
> $r->print ('<P><A href="/pics/roses1.jpg"><IMG
> src="/image1/pics/thumbs/roses.jpg"></A>
> I have tried this with the PerlSetVar ThumbnailBaseDir set to the
> Location, with PerlModule Apache::GD::Thumbnail, with the OBJECT tag
> instead of the IMG tag and they all yield the same 404 Not Found error.
> At this point I think that I'm probably missing something really stupid,
> considering I am following the man page to the letter. The only thing
> missing from the man page is any example of HTML/script usage but that
> looks to me as really basic - access the URL and the handler takes over.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Steve
Steven A. Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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