Hi -

I'm working on an embedding project, and using mod_perl
as a tutorial (OK, I'm sometimes blatantly stealing code :)).
My tests on a WIN32 box (Win2K) are somewhat flaky.
Linux is solid. A grep of mod perl source on WIN32 led me
to so pretty strange "environment array" spoofing based upon
#ifdef USE_ENVIRON_ARRAY in modperl_perl.c.

The only greps to USE_ENVIRON_ARRAY are in
modperl_perl.c. NO greps in the Perl source. NO references
(that I could find) on the mod_perl web site.

Does anyone know if this is used? If so, where can I look to get
an idea of what it is for (my guess is to tell whether or not to
pass the environment array to perl_... calls)?

Aloha => Beau;

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