I am fairly new to mod_perl/apache, having grown up with OpenACS and AOLServer. I have read all of the docs on the web site (I think) and had a whole authentication/authorization scheme planned out using Apache::AuthCookie and Apache::Session. I was just put in charge of a beta web application (database backed, user preferences, etc), and would like to use Apache2/mp2 for it. I came to find that AuthCookie doesn't seem to be ported to mp2, so my origianal authorization plan went up in shambles, not to mention all of the other stuff that I have read (eagle book, developer's cookbook) seems to be centered around mp1 and libapreq.

My newbie question is then, "what would the best way to implement an authorization scheme in mp2" and "are there any helpful modules ported"? I am thinking of something pretty standard, like what Apache::AuthCookie provides with a DB backend verifying the user/pass.

I attempted to implement something like recipe 13.7 (from the cookbook) using CGI::Cookie instead of Apache::Cookie, but CGI complained about not being able to find Apache.pm. I assume that I just need a newer version (using stock RH8.0 with new apache and mod_perl).

Any help would be appreciated.


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