Hi Forrest,

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Forrest Aldrich wrote:

> "seems" to have worked
> # /usr/apache/bin/httpd -l
> Compiled-in modules:
>    http_core.c
>    mod_so.c
>    mod_dosevasive.c
>    mod_perl.c


> building mod_perl is such a pain
> thoughts on this one?

It isn't usually such a pain.  Without getting an account on the box
or looking at the entire build process it's difficult to see why
you've had such trouble.  You do seem to be putting a lot of stuff
in there, and I wonder if it wouldn't have been simpler to start with
a very cut-down configuration.  Well, no matter, you have a statically
linked mod_perl now.  Can I suggest that you create another account on
the box and rebuild httpd from scratch in exactly the same way to make
sure you have all the information you need to repeat it?

> I of course still need to test mod_perl with something -

Did you not run 'make test' ?

> will try my go at installing RT or something simple (open to suggestions).

Lynx?  Telnet?

What are you going to use mod_perl for?


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