Carl Brewer wrote:
print $r->args;


I found that just after I posted the email too .. *doh*

prints "a=4", you can also do:


Is that what you are after?

Yes.  Out of curiosity, why would setting the argument be of any
use?  It's come in from the URL supplied by the browser,
you'd change it for some filter maybe?

For example if you want to implement mod_rewrite in one of the handlers prior to the response handler. In mod_perl 2.0, if you want to use a filter, you don't need to use $r->args, since you can write a filter that directly manipulates the GET request line, e.g. see:

I've set PerlSwitches -T in httpd.conf, which I thought would
taint the value of $r->args, but I can merrily print it out
without any parsing, which seems wrong to me, any clues?

tainting has nothing to do with printing. Tainting is only important when you use externally acquired data inside system calls. See 'perldoc perltaint'.

Also see the guts of Apache/ for how it provides the backcompat functionality of doing:

my %args = $r->args;

The doco says that's evil, or at least it is in an array context,
not a hash?

hash is an array context

Usage             Context
$r->args          VOID
$args = $r->args  SCALAR
@args = $r->args  ARRAY
%args = $r->args  ARRAY

it's not evil, it's just far from trivial to do the parsing right, therefore the job is delegated to the modules that excel at this job.

don't expect this to ever be part of the mp2 API, it's or Apache::Request that (will) do that job.


I'm also trying to get my head around retrieving data from a POST
form, which I don't think I can get with $r->args?  In the
absence of Apache::Request and what's the most appropriate
mp2-pure way to get form data submitted by a POST form?

no, args gets you the QUERY_STRING

Something using APR::Table ?

Bucket Brigades.

any examples? :)


There is 'sub content' in Apache::compat, but currently it uses a buggy get_client_block.

There is 'sub ModPerl::Test::read_post' in t/conf/ that does it right.

make sure to look in the cvs version, as I rewrote ModPerl::Test::read_post recently, after discovering that get_client_block is broken in certain situations when working with input filters.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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