Hi Everybody,
mod_perl is a great software. Thanks for everybody who
spent time on it and make it available. When you send
a reply to this, can you also describe how we can
help, as an individiual, to support mod_perl and
people behind it financially.

Now here are some of my questions. I am working on a
project that will enable people, regular people, to
use their computers remotely using apache and a web

I have various questions though. I started this with
CGI, then migrated to mod_perl. However I want to
bring a very general solution to the problem, so that
developers can develop in any language they want.

Number one issue is that, I selected perl because
that's how I get started. Now I am using mod_perl for
speed and various other issues. But what is the
fastest solution out there. This application is
supposed to run on a standalone PC, so it doesn't have
to scale well, but it has to be as fast as possible.
Is mod_perl the fastest solution available, other than
the C of course. How does it compare to java.

Second, what are my options if I want to combine
mod_perl with other solutions, such as php, java and
so on. One problem seem to be the session management.
The second problem is that I want to be able to mix
perl files with php files. For example the directory
which should be handled by mod_perl should also have
php files which should also run fine.

Another question is that, why hosting guys avoid using
mod_perl. Is it just because mod_perl is memory

Finally how can I dynamically ban an ip address in
mod_perl. For example, normally you can specify
certain ip addresses with Allow, Deny directives. How
can I do that dynamically using mod_perl.

You can answer any of the above. Thanks

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