>   Sorry, getting out of good ideas.. 

  Surprise, surprise: I found out that my code does not work under
mod_perl 1.23 either! And I found the real solution: one has to add

  PerlSetupEnv Off

to the Apache configuration file. Now the untainting mumbo-jumbo in
<perl> section works.

  Warning: this has the consequence of breaking the part of the CGI
environment emulation that deals with environment (e.g. instead of
$ENV{"HTTP_USER_AGENT"}, you now have to check
Apache->request()->subprocess_env("HTTP_USER_AGENT")). Glancing at its
source code, I don't think CGI.pm will survive that...

  BTW, I finally got around to reading mod_perl's source, and it
is now clear to me that the environment, when being copied from
->subprocess_env() into %ENV, gets tainted (around line 704 in
src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c). The whole %ENV gets tainted, not just
the HTTP_USER_AGENT and such from the CGI context, so PATH is tainted
as well. This explains our now common problem - and also guarantees
that there is no easy way out of it if you use CGI.pm yourself :-(.

  Hope I'm being helpful at last,

Dominique QUATRAVAUX                           Ingénieur senior
01 44 42 00 08                                 IDEALX

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