Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:
Shannon Eric Peevey wrote:


Just wanted to let everyone know that I have just finished porting the Apache-AuthExpire module to work with both modperl1 and 2. It is a: # Small mod_perl handler to provide Authentication phase time outs for
# sensitive areas, per realm.
There are some issues with konqueror, mozilla and netscape, but should be a simple fix if someone is watching the headers....

Great, I've updated the online list of ported modules.

Possible documentation inclusion...?: When using a ternary conditional in conjunction with a conditional operator, I needed to enclose the statement with parentheses to force the ternary conditional to be executed first. For example:

my ($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
return $res if $res != (MP2 ? Apache::OK : Apache::Constants::OK); # return not OK status if not OK

well, this is not a mod_perl issue. '=~' has a higher precedence than '?:'

Also, you don't realy have to do that. The old ala mp1 style works just fine.

use Apache::Const qw(OK DECLINED)

sub handler {

   return OK;

Took me a while to catch that... :P


Is J. J. Horner on this list? (Are you out there...? :)) ) If so, can you contact me about getting permissions to upload the Apache-AuthExpire mod that I have ported? (So it can be indexed by PAUSE.)

Also, Stas, is there a way that I can get around having to wait for an author to upload a ported module? I am not adding any functionality except making it work with both versions of modperl, and making additions that the CPAN testers have requested. I have a clear window for now, and would like to keep on porting mods while I have a little extra time...

You can always upload a module, however it won't be indexed and then it's going to be a pain to reindex, since you will have to ask Andreas to do that. So I'd get the permissions resolved first. If you can't reach the original author you should email [EMAIL PROTECTED] explaining the situation and asking to give you the right perms (nowadays CPAN supports co-owners of namespaces).

Meanwhile upload it somewhere online and post the link here, I'll link to it from: /

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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