Hi Barrie,

I dug out an old note from you and started trying IPC::Run. Here's what I
have so far:

sub MP3Check {
   my ($self,$params) = @_;
   use IPC::Run qw( run timeout );

   my @command = (
      qq! -v "$params->{file}"!

   run [EMAIL PROTECTED], \undef, \my $output, timeout( 5 ) or die "mp3_check: $?";
   my @outlines = split /\n/, $output;

   my %values;
   for ( @outlines ) {
      $values{$1} = $2 if /^([A-Z_]+)\s+(.*)$/;
   return \%values;

Something is wrong with the command line... Seems like no matter what I try,
I get file not found... The files do exist and I'm calling the package from
a test script ran as root.

Above, $self->{MP3Check} evaluates to: /home/rw/bin/mp3_check

$params->{file} is one of these (without quotes):

"/media/New/Music/Albums/sting - angel eyes (2).mp3"
"/media/New/Music/Albums/The Soggy Bottom Boys - Man Of Constant Sorrow.mp3"
"/media/New/Music/Albums/Various Artists - O Death.mp3"

So a valid command is: /home/rw/bin/mp3_check -v

This works for IPC::Open3

my $command = qq!$self->{MP3Check} -v "$params->{file}"!;

How should it be done with IPC::Run?

Also, with IPC::Open3, I am killing the process in the alarm and setting a
variable to indicate check failed:

$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
    my $kill = "kill -9 $pid";
    $values{'CHECK_PROBLEM'} = 1;

How would something similar be done with IPC::Run?

Thanks alot for your help!


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