On 7/21/03 9:47 AM, John Siracusa wrote:
> On 7/20/03 11:12 PM, Slava Bizyayev wrote:
>> Your own content-type is supposed to be overwritten only in case of the use
>> of
>> PerlSetVar UseCGIHeadersFromScript Off
>> in your configuration file. You might wish to comment this line in your
>> configuration file when your script generates correct header line in
>> accordance with CGI/1.0 and/or CGI/1.1.
> I don't have that line in my config.  I'm setting the content type using
> $r->content_type() in my apache module.  I'm not using CGI/registry scripts,
> and I'm not doing print "Content-Type: ..." anywhere.

...and in case this reply wasn't clear, I'd like a way to tell
Apache::Dynagzip to "never set the outgoing content type header, no matter
what."  Anyone with an apache module in the filter chain who sets the
outgoing content type header will need this feature.


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