Hi there,
I want to use the Apache-UploadMeter. I set my configuration to:
use Apache::UploadMeter;
$Apache::UploadMeter::DEBUG = 2;
The UploadMeter works perfect - but I donīt know how I can catch
files within upload.pl
My Uploadform has 2 Uploadfields (file1 and file2) an some hidden-
fields (which I need to know where the files to store)
In my upload.pl I have the follwing Code to Test something:
use Apache ();
use Apache::Request ();
$apr = Apache::Request->new($r);
foreach $parm($apr->param){
 print "->".$parm." : ".$apr->param($parm)."\n";
print "---------\n";
The system itīs running on :
RedHat 7.3 / Apache 1.3.27 / mod_perl 1.26 / Perl 5.6.1
Apache::Request 1.1 / Apache::UploadMeter 0.22
But the only value I get is the "hook_id" and this is a GET value.
How can I get the POST values ?
Iīm on the beginning with mod_perl - the last time I used Perl and
the CGI.pm

Can someone show me an example of a "upload.pl" where a file is
stored on the server please?

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