Ged Haywood wrote:

Q1: Is there a similar module to Apache::Request?

Depends what you want to do, but not really. Care to try porting it?

No no. Apache::Request 2 port is in works and it'll be available RSN thanks to Joe Schaefer and Randy Kobes who do an extraordinary job. Though it'll be released sooner if more people help with testing and polishing it. For more information see:

Thanks for the responses; they were very helpful.

BTW: No, there are no commercial pressures involved in this project, but just doing a possible/likely career transition from the embedded-telecom implosion to something more of the "future". However, time (as always) is always of the essence, and I'll need to balance my choices available.

It's funny. I thought that Java would be a predominant player in the web world, but it looks like perl et al are the predominant players. That's ok as I'm was never a huge fan of Java anyhow ;p.

Enough of my rant. Thanks again.

Stas, if you have the email of Joe and Randy, please email me; I'll see if I am of any use to them.


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