I'm pleased to announce announce the release of Bricolage-Devel 1.6.2.
This maintenance release addresses numerous issues discovered since the
release of version 1.6.1. Some of the more important changes since 1.6.1

* New help pages for the destination, server, and action profiles.

* Fixed issue where new output channels added to a document type
element were not always actually saved as a part of that element.

* Fixed installer to again work with versions of PostgreSQL prior to

* Alert types can once again be deleted from the alert type profile.

* Users can now only add subelements to a story if they have at least
READ permission to those subelements.

    *   The media type profile again allows extensions to be added and

* Perl 5.8.0 or later is now strongly recommended for better Unicode

    *   Fixed deleting an Alert Type Rule. Also fixed Editing Alert Type

* Clicking "Cancel" in an element no longer saves the changes in that
element before going up to the parent element.

* Added Localization support to widgets that were missing it. Added
pt_pt localized images.

    *   Documents are no longer distributed to deleted (deactivated)

* Eliminated several error log authentication message such as "No
cookie found." Thes tended only to confuse users when they were just
starting to use Bricolage.

* Elements added with the same name as an existing, active or inactive
element no longer trigger an SQL error to be displayed.

    *   Fixed issue where adding an output channel to a document type
        element removed that output channel from another document type

For a complete list of the changes, see the changes file at:



Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and
publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use,
a full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason and
HTML::Template support for flexibility, and many other features. It
operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment, and uses the PostgreSQL
RDBMS for its repository. A comprehensive, actively-developed open
source CMS, Bricolage has been hailed as "Most Impressive" in 2002 by

Learn more about Bricolage and download it from the Bricolage home page,



David Wheeler                                     AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                              ICQ: 15726394
http://kineticode.com/                         Yahoo!: dew7e
                                               Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

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