On a whim, I would try writing a second script to do the actual shutdown and
restart of Apache.

Then have your mod_perl program either run it in the background (with a &) or
fork it into another process.

Just a thought.


S.T.O.U.T. = Synthetic Technician Optimized for Ultimate Troublshooting
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dirk Lutzebaeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 13 16
Subject: How to restart the root server from within modperl?

> Hi,
> how can I restart the root httpd server from within modperl? My
> problem is that when I call system() with say apachectl restart the
> father process is stopped killing the children including the apachectl
> itself. So it can't start of again. Can I call something like a reload
> of httpd.conf?
> Why I want to do this? I have a set of configurations and file links
> for different versions for my modperl application which I want to activate
> from the modperl application itself (having a HTML user interface).
> Thanks for help,
> Dirk

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