Udo Rader wrote:
hi all,

for one of our webprojects I have to setup the typical
apache1-mod_perl-mod_ssl httpd, which is not too difficult. Our sysadmin
rules however require me to set this up as _one_ nice RPM package, which
should not be too difficult either, but of course there has to be some

The entire apache1, mod_perl etc. stuff has to be generally prefixed by

Prefixing is no problem, but I run into troubles when requiring to
_temporarily_ install mod_perl to the RPM_BUILD_ROOT for later packaging
(%install section inside the SPEC-file):

why not downloading one of the existing src.rpms and look how they have done it? e.g search for mod_perl at http://rpm.pbone.net/ or http://rpmfind.net/

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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