Brett Hales wrote:

I am having problems with Apache-AuthenNTLM-0.23. In apache's error.log
I am getting the following errors reported.

AuthenNTLM: timed out while waiting for lock (key = 23754)

This also seems to cause the web server to go _very_ slow. I have looked
through the and found the section where this is evaluated.
There is a comment above it.

# smb aborts any connection that where no user is looged on as soon as somebody
# tries to open another one. So we have to make sure two request, do not start
# two auth cycles at the same time. To avoid a hang of the whole server
we wrap it with
# a small timeout

Maybe this is actually happening and I am getting two auth cycles.

Does anybody have an idea why this is happening?


It's possible, but seems unlikely. Is this happening constantly?

Also, try messing with the "PerlSetVar ntlmsemkey" and "PerlSetVar ntlmsemtimout" values. "ntlmsemkey" turns serialization on/off, and "ntlmsemtimout" sets the timeout for the Apache server to wait for the semaphore, (which serializes the requests to the SMB server).


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