Quoting Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Cees Hek wrote:
> > It looks like something has gone awry with the perl.apache.org website.  It
> is
> > currently pointing to the Apache Portable Runtime website.
> > 
> > You can bypass it by going directly to:
> > 
> > http://perl.apache.org/index2.html
> > 
> > This looks like the result of a change to put up a protest page at the
> start of
> > every *.apache.org website.  Perhaps someone can notify the powers that be
> to
> > fix the problem.
> There is no problem, Cees. This is done by the Apache Software Foundation. 
> mod_perl is an ASF project if you didn't know.
> Have you read what it says on http://perl.apache.org/?

Hi Stas,

The protest page wasn't the problem.  I did noticed that they had put it on all
the .apache.org websites.  However when I went to perl.apache.org, instead of
seeing the protest page or the mod_perl website, I got the Apache Portable
Runtime website (ie the page found at http://apr.apache.org).  

I guess the admins at the Apache Foundation noticed quickly enough and fixed the



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