> >I've set Apache::DBI::DEBUG to 2, and I'm not seeing _any_ messages
> >(from it) in the error log.  Apache::Status lists Apache DBI, but
> >lists no database connections.
> A long time ago, one problem used to be that if your connect to
> Postgres was idle for too long ( 8 hours ) the connection would
> timeout and give you these kinds of errors.  One solution was to make
> sure that you hit a web page that has such a connection periodically,

1) Wasn't this problem corrected by using the ping() method?  
2) I'm hoping for a clue why Apache::DBI is there but not giving any
messages or having any connections in Apache::Status
3) Avoiding timeout doesn't help when the network hiccups and drops
existing connections (I don't admin the network, can't change that)

> This may not be related to your current problem, so YMMV.

Doesn't appear helpful, but I appreciate some response :)

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