Craig Shelley wrote:
Hi All,

It looked like the Debian install problems were back.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp/modperl-2.0$ perl Makefile.PL
************* WARNING *************
Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
but was not found.
You could just symlink it to /usr/lib/

You probably want to fix this one, at least so it won't get on the way.

        ************* WARNING *************
        !!! Unable to open 
/mnt/general/temp/modperl-2.0/../../home/craig/temp/mod_perl-1.99_09/ap_release.h: No 
such file or directory
        !!! Unable to determine server version, aborting.
        !!! Please specify MP_APXS or MP_AP_PREFIX.

I thought this was a bit strange, look at the path where it is trying to find my apache include dir. It should be looking in /usr/include/apache2/

Anyway, I do what it says...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp/modperl-2.0$ perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/include/apache2/
Reading Makefile.PL args from @ARGV
MP_AP_PREFIX = /usr/include/apache2
************* WARNING *************
Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
but was not found.
You could just symlink it to /usr/lib/
************* WARNING *************
!!! invalid MP_AP_PREFIX: include/ directory not found in /usr/include/apache2

Looked at first like I would have to frig the script...

After analysing, I noticed it was using a load of crap data from my old installation in /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Apache/

So all the problems you listed above were caused by an old Apache/, so we are in this code in Apache/

    if (-e "lib/$bpm" and (stat _)[9] > $bpm_mtime) {
        #reload if Makefile.PL has regenerated
        unshift @INC, 'lib';
        delete $INC{$bpm};
        eval { require Apache::BuildConfig; };
        shift @INC;
    else {
        eval { require Apache::BuildConfig; };

and the last eval is the one that picked the old config. I suppose we need to prompt users before we do that. Makes sense?

After deleting this file, i had to delete what i had got from cvs, and redownload.

The second time round I ran into more problems...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp/modperl-2.0$ perl Makefile.PL
************* WARNING *************
Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
but was not found.
You could just symlink it to /usr/lib/
************* WARNING *************
!!! Unable to determine server version, aborting.
!!! Please specify MP_APXS or MP_AP_PREFIX.

Ok, so i specify the MP_AP_PREFIX option, since that was mentioned in the INSTALL file too.

I updated the install docs, to explain that MP_AP_PREFIX can be used only when everything is installed under one tree. I will fix the INSTALL file as well.

Of course MP_APXS is the best option (since it can provide all the information about Apache and APR), but it's still not available on win32 (Randy has a working prototype, but one has to download it separately from Apache). And if you haven't installed Apache yet (but built it), you can't use MP_APXS.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp/modperl-2.0$ perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/include/apache2/
Reading Makefile.PL args from @ARGV
MP_AP_PREFIX = /usr/include/apache2
************* WARNING *************
Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm,
but was not found.
You could just symlink it to /usr/lib/
************* WARNING *************
!!! invalid MP_AP_PREFIX: include/ directory not found in /usr/include/apache2

Ah that problem again...


perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/bin/apxs2

All problems went away.

Problems occur in debian if the MP_AP_PREFIX is used because it expects a /include dir to be present. but if the MP_APXS option is not used, the MP_AP_PREFIX is one of the tempting recommendations by the script.

The question here is, should the script have detected /usr/bin/apxs2 ?

How could possibly it do that? We shouldn't have any hardcoded paths, since if we guess and you have more than one Apache installed we may pick the wrong one, which may cause even more confusion. IMHO, it's much better to die with a useful hint on how to tell where APXS is.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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