In private mail Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

oops, that should be the modperl list... at modperl-docs we discuss
mostly site/docs techical issues and there are very few people on this
list to get enough exposure for this kind of feedback request.

Patch for "The First Mystery" section of the mod_perl porting guide as
per my conversation with Stas at YAPC::Europe::2003.

Takes out the suggestion of creating a Perl4-style library in the same
directory as a means to port CGI scripts.

Replaces it with something simpler and more reliable.

Nice, but:

> +The easiest and the fastest way to solve the nested subroutines
> +problem is to change C<my> to C<local> C<our> for all variables for
> +which you get the warning.  The C<handler> subroutines are never
> +  local our $counter = 0;

local our? That should be either local or our, but not both. Do I miss something?

The rest looks good, but that's not the simplest solution as you have to modify the variables. Granted, the original "simplest" solution has its troubles.

I've also changed "If you put your code into a library or module..."
to "If you put all your code into modules..." because if you put your
code into a Perl4-style library and then require it in more than one
registry script terrible things happen. I don't think this is the
place to explain this so I think the guide should just say "modules"
and leave it at that.

Probably the library problem should be explained elsewhere in the

Once this one is sorted out, a patch for perl_reference.pod will follow.

Sure, sounds good to me.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/     mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org
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